Acute back and abdominal pain s/p fall


• Scene – None
• En Route- IV 20g, 50mcg Fentanyl
• Hospital- Unknown


• Unknown


Elliot Williams, Paramedic Woodburn Ambulance
Scott Ward, EMT-P Woodburn Ambulance


David M. Spiro, MD, MPH Professor of Pediatrics University of Arkansas Medical Center


• Back pain
• Abdominal pain

Differential Diagnosis

• Blunt abdominal trauma
• Fracture
• Dislocation
• Muscular injury

Patient Workup History

• Patient states: She slipped on milk and did the splits front to back. States immediate 10/10 bilateral groin pain, and some lower abdomen, and lower back and flank pain. Patient was found seated in rolling office chair outside of the school. They wanted to take her POV (privately owned vehicle) to the urgent care, but when she could not stand, they called 911. Denies any head pain, didn’t hit her head.

Physical Exam

• No bruising or bleeding noted. No external signs of trauma. Back 1/5 tenderness, otherwise unremarkable.
• GCS- 15
• BP- 120/74
• HR- 72
• RR- 18

Suggested References

Mechanical back pain


• Gender: Female
• Age: 22 years
• Height: Not Available


• Temperature: Not Available
• Blood Pressure: 120/74
• Heart Rate: 72
• Respiratory Rate: 18
• Pulse Oximetry: Not Available

Signs and Symptoms

Back, groin, lower abdomen, and flank pain

History Medical

• PHM: Abortion in 2008
• Allergies: NKDA
• Dispatch info: Back pain Social
• Spanish speaking only, staff member at a school


• None

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