Recorded ReelDx webinar – Non-compliant patient with allergic and infectious process


Marc Houston, DO Silverton Hospital


David M. Spiro, MD, MPH Professor of Pediatrics University of Arkansas Medical Center


• Drug allergy
• Dental abscess
• Cutaneous fistula

Editor’s Notes

[This patient had presented in the ED with] dental pain before, he’d kind of taken pain meds, he’d take antibiotics, and had gotten better. And, dental procedures are quite expensive – so you’re starting to look at a couple hundred dollars, and a person who’s working a regular job, that’s kind of a huge hit to the income. So human behavior being what it is, are they doing to actually follow up with a dentist or are they just going to hope that medications work?

– Marc Houston, DO


• Gender: Male
|• Age: 22 years
• Height: Not Available
• Weight: 172 lb/78kg


• Temperature: 98.2 F/36.8 C
• Blood Pressure: 136/79
• Heart Rate: 120
• Respiratory Rate: 16
• Pulse Oximetry: 98% RA

Signs and Symptoms

Jaw/neck pain and swelling. Drainage from fistula underneath jaw. Pruritic rash.

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